Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Why should the teachings of Vedanta be trusted?

Because they are not the philosophy of an individual nor are they the contentions of a particular religion or a philosophical school of thought. Although they appeared in India, there is nothing ‘Indian’ about them. They are revealed truth. Revealed truth by definition is not authored by people nor does it belong to any particular religion. It comes directly from the Self. During revelation the individual's prejudices and personal views are suspended because he or she is 'ecstatic'...outside the small self. Even then the words that are used to convey the sense of the truth must be verified by many others over a long time before they can be accepted.

Revealed truth usually needs additional revelation because the people who hear it tend to interpret it according to their own tastes. The notion that there is a ‘my truth' is and a ‘your truth’ does not wash in the Vedanta world. The Self is one and the knowledge of it can only be one. Is it possible to simply read these texts and come away enlightened? It may be possible but it is unlikely because truth, like anything else, is only as good as one’s understanding of it. Therefore the teaching tradition of Vedanta has evolved. It requires a mature qualified mind seeking to know and a teacher established in non-duality who can skillfully wield the means of knowledge. It is hoped that if your study of Tattva Bodha awakens a desire to realize the Self you will approach someone established in non-duality and request teaching.